Php Code With Fbconnect

I need php script done with facbookconnect added. I would like users to be able to login with their facebook id and also when they perform an action it should send a feed to facebook as well..

The site will be a twist on something similar to
Pretty much anyone should be able to type: or (where the words after the ? is the topic) and the system should check to see if the user is registered with us via fbconnect or our login system.. If not it should log their ip and ask to enter captcha. Then it will log the input in our database similar to how the digg or retweet system works

The script will feature live feeds on my homepage of updates like how main page looks

Every time a new topic is created it should create a new page on my site…

I have a detail spec sheet for qualified bids only.

Please bid accordingly for the following requirements:

– sign up system linked with fbconnect
– user management
– live feeds via ajax
– ip/location check and logging
– search topics based on category,topic or location
– topic page creation
– topic page tagging and comments
– facebook feed updates for fbconnect users
– admin page can modify system like can create category topics , create page moderator accounts create banned topic words etc…

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