Need Native English Writer

Hi, I am looking for a skilled writer to work with me on a long term basis. I will begin this employment contract part time, for about 8 hours (1 day) per week. As you prove your skills to me though, my intention is to increase the hours requirement into more work, hopefully full time in near future.

I am looking for someone who will do high quality english writing work for me and is willing to build a relationship with me over the long term.

You need to possess the following skills for this job:
– Excellent english writing skills
– Some research abilities
– Ability to read, understand and follow instructions
– Initiative

The types of tasks this job will require include:
– Article researching, writing and submitting (to major article directories – understanding submission guidelines and resource box backlinking techniques is important)
– Press release writing
– Blog post researching and writing
– Review postings on websites
– Writing SEO optimized website content

When applying for this job, please write the phrase “A value for hard work” somewhere in your application. Just copy and paste it somewhere, so I can see this is a real application from someone who has read the job advert.

The way the contract will work is; I will have a number of ongoing projects I will give you to work on, on an ongoing basis. Sometime I will have urgent tasks though. When these come up, you will need to move to these tasks, complete them and then go back to the ongoing projects.

In your application please include the following information:
– An application letter dealing with all the key criteria I listed above
– Your Resume
– 3 examples of recent writing work you have undertaken (no more than 3 thanks)
– Please advise if you can research, write and load onto an article directory like TEN 400 word articles in a total of 8 hours per week

My weekly (8 hours or 1 day per week) budget for this is $40. Please bid only if you agree to this price.

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