I need to finish some things on my site.
You can check it here
user admin
pass bling10
1. I need to make the map on the main page a google map with pins for some of the listings
2. I need to make the image show random listings from the database
3. If you do a search, you will see a map on the left, I just need to make sure the listings are showing
4. I need to fix a couple of bugs in the search filters
5. I need to finish the dashboard (logged in area)
6. I need to finish the actual listing page once you click on the search results
The site is pretty much done, I just need to finish up a few things so that it is just like http://bit.ly/67Cz
My site is a clone of that so I just need to finish up a few things to make it a clone clone..will be a few other things besides that list above but those are the main things. I need to finish asap…this shouldnt take long though.