I have a art gallery website written entirely in flash, and I want make some changes to it so I don’t have to edit the fla files, but instead use an XML file for control. This is the site: (http://www.bradfordkessler.com/) Below are the detailed changes:
1. The main picture gallery that have 15+ pictures, but they are 15 different swf files all with the same animations, so I want to use an XML file to control all pictures in the gallery and reduce the number of swf to only 1
2. If the number of pictures exceed the screen width on the right, then add an arrow button to scroll to more pictures
3. The logo the top left, I want to make that controlled by an XML file also
4. Make a speech bubble come out of the guy’s head with some text that’s also controlled by an XML file
When you make your bid, also shoot me a PMB message detailing your understanding of my project. Bids w/o a message will be ignored!