Submission of two URL’s to top 20 main social bookmarking sites MANUALLY. Absolutely no software
Your job
►Submit one URL site and one video URL to 150 of the highest PR quality social bookmarking sites WHICH MUST include Digg, Reddit, Mixx, Twitter, Stumbleupon, Squidoo, Technorati, Delicious, Fark, Sphinn, Dzone, Furl, Blinklist, DesignFloat, Slashdot Propeller submissions. YOu can pick the other 130 you wish to use and submit to.
►Submissions MUST be Manual submissions, no software at all, and can be schduled for a 7 day period
►You must ping each submission in a timely manner NOT to ban URL. Must be natural pings and can be scheduled over a one week period
► No blackhat SEO, only whitehat. The URL must NOT be sandboxed or banned due to your submission or ping work
►Use multiple ID Proxy address for anonymity
You will provide me an Excel Spreadsheet containing social bookmarking sites submitted to, login id, and password ID
– Title (max 60 characters, include your keyword!)
– Description (max 110 characters about the site)
– Tags (max 50 characters, including 2-3 of your target keywords!)
Keywords MUST be used in each submission for each URL.
This will be an ongoing monthly project if we like your work. The monthly fee will be at the same bid rate you provide.
NO BIDS OVER $ 35 I can get this done easily for under $35 on 100’s of SEO programmers websites