Magento Site Work

I usually pick somebody very fast for these projects so make sure to respond back to me today when I pm you.

I’m willing to pay $300-400 for this work. It must be done in 1 month or less. YOU MUST give me daily updates. If you can’t email me each day (not including Sunday) then the project will be cancelled.

This project is for programming, I will get someone to do the design. You will cut up that design (psds)and use it. Or we will use a template.

This site will be made in magento which obviously is php. The client actually has a seperate area that is made in They are basically seperate and I don’t think it will be conflict with them.
Now if there is conflict with the you’ll need to convert it to php.

Also by accepting this project you accept any addtional things they want on the site. Hopefully it will just be small things.

Requirments for this project are you must contact me each day(except Sunday) with updates and list what you did that day.

What is needed for website proposal:
An ecommerce website that will allow multiple levels of users and various checkout options by user type.
Regular shopping cart solution for general public retail customers
Payments to somehow be taken through their QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions version 10 software and PayPal.
Shopping cart to allow their municiple and government clients to log in and shop the same store but receive discounted prices that are not made public.
Allow checkout with both credit card merchant solution via QuickBooks, PayPal, and the ability to produce a direct bill invoice for those special clients above not requiring immediate checkout payment.
A password protected area for multiple area sales reps to log into the store and place orders for their clients. Their orders must also be passed through QuickBooks Ent. Sol. version 10 system for tracking as well as to make shipping requests to their warehouse (already being done in their Quickbooks).

here are the “different levels” as I call it of site use that I know of:

Normal public retail ecommerce store – no login needed except for checkout – using a regular shopping cart checkout and user paying through quickbooks merchant account.
Private ecommerce store access for select buyers to buy from the same store but at discounted prices, and the discounts not viewable to public.
Same private access as #2 except cart checkout will require a pre-authorized purchase number or access key of some sort for select customers for direct billing later.
Same private access as #2 except select customers can use a payment card for cart checkout. I assume like a pre-authorized company debit card, likely just uses the same setup as the retail customers.
Sales reps need login access to the ecommerce store for creating their client’s orders in the field (same idea for using blackberry app idea). They also need either normal or priority order alert status when ordering products.
I think that’s it. When you talk to Heather she can clarify it

These levels may change so be aware of that.

Custom modular commercial ecommerce style website with shopping cart functionality and a Content Management System (CMS) which allows the client to perform simple product and content updates. FCKeditor will be installed to allow easy customization by the client for every single aspect of the site pages.
Complete Magento based ecommerce platform version integration, customization, and debugging.
Build website to process and track orders through QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions version 10
The site will provide multiple levels of use access based on the type of user and various criteria.
The checkout options will vary by user type.
Provide password protected shopping access to designated parties to shop with discounts not made public.
Provide checkout option for those to be direct billed.
Provide checkout option to accept card payments. PayPal integration is available in this proposal also if needed.
Provide a website portal for field representatives to login and place their orders for their customers.
Website theme design and photo gallery.
Cross-browser compliant – IE7 and up, Safari 2 and up, Firefox 2 and up, Mozilla 1.4 and up, Opera 8 and u

Website custom structural design, content mapping:
Magento Installation, migration, and setup
Content Management System:
Integration with QuickBooks Enterprise version 10
Integration with current system and backend
Initial Keyword Research:
Custom website theme (appearance artwork):
24/7 Access to Website Visitor Statistics:
Search Engine Submission to Google, MSN, Bing, Yahoo!, ASK and others:

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