Community Health Website

We are looking to develop a complex Health Community site that will need to consist of many different applications.

Overview of what the site will be:
A health/weight loss community. This will need to be mostly a membership site. When a member joins, they will have all access to our health information, forums, live webinars, live classes, courses, recipes, products, as well as other member’s profiles. We want the members to be able to interact with each other by chat, messaging, E-mailing, and video/audio chat as well.

Key things needed for this site:

1) E-commerce: Shopping cart. We need to be able to sell products to members and non-members. Also, sell monthly membership subscriptions to the site that will automatically track login allowance if they haven’t paid. An affiliate program would be vital as well. We may need to make different levels of memberships for pricing and allowances. SSL,, paypal, google checkout.

2) Community: We want our members to be able to communicate with each other. Each member can make their own profile and update it constantly. We’d like them to be able to chat live with each other, even video and audio chat. View other member’s profiles, create groups, much like facebook in a sense. We will also need a forum.

3) Member Profiles and accounts: Each member will have their own private and public profile.
A)We would like them to have their own calendar that they can choose to show on their public profile or not. If they are signed up for a class, course, webinar, we would like it to show up on their calendar.
B) We would like them to have a food journal, so they can keep track of what they eat each day. (we will need to go into more detail about this, but it will need to include how many of certain types of food they eat, calories, etc.. that can be displayed in chart form once it is entered) They can choose to show this publically or use it privately, but we would still be able to see it as their health coach on the backend.
C) Contact information for their personal coach that we will set them up with on the backend.

4)Online Course/Classes/Webinars/Gym: We would like our members to be able to sign up for live virtual classes that we schedule. Some of these courses will not be live, but most of them will be. We will have an online “gym” and have live fitness instructors to teach classes, plus our health coaches will give one-on-one or group teaching classes. We would like these classrooms to be as interactive as possible, so that possibly the instructor can see the students on their webcam or hear their audio for feedback. Not all courses will be live, so we’d like to have progressive courses as well that will make it so they can’t progress to the next level of course without completing the first one first. Some courses/classes will have to be purchased as well (meaning, not included in the membership fee). We would like to be able to track which members attend the courses and live classes, which ones paid, which ones sign-up but didn’t attend, etc.

5.) Recipes: Where we and the members can post recipes that apply to the health program the website will promote.

6.) Online Health Coaching: This site needs to be user friendly for our coaches, who will need a community profile as well for our memebers to see (only it will show on their profile which classes they are instructing vs which ones they are attending), but they will be using more of the “backend” structure. they will be adding courses and communicating with the members. We need an easy way for them to be able to communicate to the members they coach by messaging, video chat, audio chat, mass E-mai, etc.. We need an easy way for them to manage the members they coach (since we will have many coaches).

7.) Affiliate and Coach payout: Different affiliate levels, and an easy pay structure to pay coaches and gym class instructors. We’d like our members to be able to promote our products and get a commission off of what they sell. We need our coaches to be paid by how many member’s they are coaching (according to that member’s membership level), and also get paid according to how many members attend their classes (the classes that need to be pruchased ontop of a membership)

8.) Easy backend CMS: We need to be able to add public and private pages easily. Also, courses, classes, E-mail, newsletters, member management, etc..

These programs we like, and we’re fine with extending these as long as they all flow together for our members in an easy to use way:
– magento
– Cartstore
– open cart
– moodle
– dimdim
– Boonex Dolphin
– Pligg
– Most popular open source software.

We want to make sure our members can update all their profile and account information in one place, and only login in one place.

php, mysql.

Right now we have an SSL hosting account with hostmonster, but we can change that if we need to.

We have a web designer, so we’d like it to be template based (smarty), if possible. We can worry about the design, we just need all the programming done.

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