Programming Project 1910702

1. Mobile version of our site ( If you view this now you’ll see you are taken directly to our sign up form (which is not formatted correctly for mobile). We need the form to be adjusted so it reads correctly. We’d also like a different landing page for this (if possible) as currently users are taken directly to the form without any previous information whatsoever. We’d like to replicate the web experience of the website as closely as possible with the mobile site. I.e. users will be taken to a landing page that looks as similar to our main site landing page as possible ( Main workload involves adjusting content that is already there.

2. Competition. We have a half developed competition page which allows users to answer a question (on the website) in order to win a prize. ( We need a developer to ensure that the entries to the competition are logged and delivered to us via an email notification with the user’s email address and answer. The subscribe&quot button on the page should already log the subscriber to the admin panel.

Our previous developer created three PHP classes which are to be used to collect, log, and email the details of the competition entrants.

You can find them on the myseatz server with the following FTP Paths:




He advised us that task 2 (the competition), shouldn’t take an experienced Couponic developer more than an hour or so.

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