Excel Programming – Duplicate Elimination

I have an Excel Sheet where I have consolidated contact information (name, address, etc.) from several different lists. There are many people/records that show up on several of the lists (“duplicates”), so I have added a field called “Group” to keep track of which list or lists each person was on so that after we eliminate all duplicate entries we end up with just one entry for each unique record yet can still know which lists/Groups each record was associated with originally.

I will then use this data to upload into a new CMS I will be using for my business and I need to have accurate data and be able to associate each records with the list (Group) or lists (Groups) it was originally on.

The records will be matched by a First Name and Last Name match and then I will give you a hierarchy to use indicating which list/Group will have it’s data kept for the new merged Master List. All Group names will be consolidated into a single “Group” field for each record and contain all original Group names that matched by First Name and Last Name – comma delimited.

You will send this list back to me in MS Excel.

It is really pretty straight forward for anyone expert in Excel and/or programming. The Sheet has about 3,500 records on it and after Duplicate Elimination I expect to have about 1,000 final records.

Please be able to start this job Friday morning (Central time US) and complete by Saturday morning 10 a.m.

Please do not bid on this if you have not done this work before – I do not have time for someone to learn on my project.


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