Super Fast E Commerce Website Proyect

I need a FAST, EXPERIENCED team to develope an ecommerce site.

1. The project must be up and tested before November 1st
2. The website must look EXACTLY as the PDF attached
3. No payments in advance and a penalty for delays must be offered
4. I provide the html

– The site contains 24 pages in spanish and 24 in english
– Integration with paypal, 2checkout and pagosonline required
– SSL with verisign

BETA VERSION by october 29th.



1. Code source impecable/estable/escalable (validated for safety certificates) Available and stable 7 x 24 x 365

2. Tool of web measurement with access restricted by account online that it allows to choose for status of time reports of measurement with minimum:
– Sources of traffic – received Visits – the Only Users (IPʼs for cookie of meeting) – (for URL) Statistics of visited Products and buys
– Flow of navigation or Targets (example: to be able to detect and to measure if the user comes, it gives click in
contact us, it fills the form and does not give him to send that is to say interrupts the process on having filled the form)
3. Support of multimedia Content (text, images – photos, videos, animations and web applications of
third (widgets as Addthis, Disqus, Polls, breeding animals of video or files mp3, etc)
4. Optimized for position in engines of search (In the code, the URLʼs and his contents (tags, alt tags, keywords, qualifications, etc)
5. Version Light or Optimized for mobile devices, that is to say if a user gains access to the place by means of one
browser ʻliviano ʼ the place must detect it and must show him the mobile version, so that this one could consult
the contents of the place adapted for the size of his screen.
6. Internal searcher (With permanent access on the internal pages and that in his results deployment suggestions of search, arrange the results for relevancy and/or date and that include the results
ties to sections with content or related products)
7. Manager of content – CM finished (it be read that it must include: access online restricted by user and password for user’s rolls, creation of piece of news you paginate, load / update of contents for
principal version, the blog and the mobile version in version ʻamigable ʼ and/or in HTML, administration of zones of it rules with integration to the adserver, integration of widgets, moderation of comments, between others)
8. Proper spaces of rule (banners rich comes up in formats swf, jpg, gif) with Manager of announcements
ʻAdserver ʼ for creation of campaigns, statistics of Clicks and Impressions.
9. Integrated with ʻconnect ʼ (Facebook, Google, yahoo, etc)
Compatibility with widgets of third or web Hardware 2.0 (facebook like facebook feed, twitter feed,
to share route email, twitter, to mark as favorite, to mention, you poll in line, etc)
10. Escalability of application: the place must be constructed by a hierarchic ideal and flexible structure that allows the creation of one or several new categories and several one or several sub categories or you paginate piece of news with additions to the map of the place.
11. Security: The Accommodation of the place must guarantee the stability of the system with minimum of 99.9 % to month in availability at level of breadth of band, servant and application, also it must guarantee protection, functioning and accessibility to Databases and it must be provided with safety schemes of I endorse (back up) and protection ʻanti hacker ʼ with the advanced configuration of or the firewalls, quite with
support escalable 7 x 24 x 365.
12. Forms
– Of Record: (it is used so that the users leave his information and approve the contact on promotions,
offers or throwings)
Fields: Name, Email, certificate, Assertion of email, Password, assertion of password,
Direction, City *, Country, Date of birth *, Generated *, Phone.
Pigeonhole of assertion of will of contact (Opt-In) Pigeonhole of safety code charted.
Button ʻEnviar ʼ
* Fields with ʻDrop box ʻ for selection pre formed. (connect preloads the basic information)
– Contact us (it is used for requests of specific information) Fields: Name, Email, Phones,
Ciudad* Message, Button ʻEnviar ʼ
* With ʻDrop box ʻ for selection pre formed.
13. Database
All the gathered information must be in a database centralized with lists of users,
visitors, buyers and signed to the newsletter.
14. Client for emailing
Automatic mailing of email of gratitude for subscribing to the newsletter
Creation of campaigns of mailing with segmentation of lists and statistics of mailing, delivery, opening, click
through rate.
Emailing associated with the Adserver
15. currency module to allow calculations on diferent currencies
16. Integration with paypal, 2checkout and pagosonline

Version in Spanish and in English
Beginning of rapid meeting (FB connect?)
Flow of buy in 3 clicks
breadcrumbs (breadcrumbs) during all the navigation
Spaces for suggestion of buy based on the navigation and/or on the buys.
Top more sold articles
Hardware to share on the same page
Spaces to qualify (like button and you cover with stars) and to see the qualifications or the reviews of other buyers
To check the state of the orders

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