Phase 1 Of Peer To Peer Selling Website Development

We are currently hiring for the creation of only the beginning of a web site. If this first part is completed to satisfaction, there will be more work IMMEDIATELY. The purpose of this process is to find the proper match for our requirements and working style.

The general purpose of the website will be to provide a marketplace for a specific type of transaction. There will be two types of users, the ‘buyer’ and the ‘seller’ with some shared and some distint actions they can perform on the site, such as listing a product, browsing categories, searching, rating the buyer or seller etc… In its finished form, we would like a fast, dynamic, secure, scalable database driven site that is intuitive to navigate and easy to manage from the back end.

The features we would like developped as an initial phase are: user account creation on the website (registration), user secure login, create a posting, search postings. Details are below:
1. User registration:
– The user clicks the “register” button and is brought to a form
– First name
– Last name
– Email address (confirm format [email protected])
– Password
– Confirm password
– Country (drop down)
– Address Line 1
– Address Line 2
– City
– Province (drop down for Canadian provinces)
– Postal code
– Phone number
– Check mark for accepting terms of use
– Click Register button
– Validate information including uniqueness of username
– Confimation page informing that an email will be received to complete registration
– Send email with link to confirm
– Link brings back to site with validation of account

2. User secure login:
– Username and password fields
– Login button
– Stay logged in check box
– Link for forgotten password
– If clicked prompts for username and sends email with link back to site with a form to create new password and confirm password

3. Create a posting:
– Select category (create 3-4 categories to pick from)
– Upload photo
– Title field
– Description field
– Price
– Shipping price
– Preview
– Publish
– Confirmation with link to posting

4. Search posting:
– Search box allowing to search through the postings
– Ability to browse categories (Can use categories from #3.)

For completion of this project, please have this functionality up and running on a development webserver which I can access to test the functionality as described. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Going forward, communication will be a very important part of our work together and we ask that you be easy to contact, prompt to reply and clear in your communications. To make your work easier, we will do the same thing. Also, as you can see, this project will require a database. One of the criteria we will consider for continued work is secure SQL.

VERY IMPORTANT: To separate you from the spammers, please write “I AM REAL” as the first line of your bid. We will delete ALL bids that do not start with this phrase since in our experience, many bidders never read the requirements. Thank you for reading all the way to the end.

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