Budget US$100
Winning bidder will be engaged to provide detailed concept presentation and mock site for larger budget project on refreshing the site
Here is the first site
tell me what you would do
Anyone giving me a general blurb about their service and not specifically relating to the website will NOT be considered for the job.
A few ideas for direction
Map Centric
scroll over highlighting of Islands
drop down menus
online live reservation service via paypal. credit cards
for map concept see
However I am envisioning a layering of activities on each of the island resorts, rates, etc
see here for more info on the resorts
I believe there is a much tidier format that could be used to present the information such as collapsing/ expanding menus.
Advise what graphics can be used and what will be needed
This will be the first phase of a larger overhaul that will include app development iOS and Android so follow the concept lines for the website
Including (voluntary) tourist tracking via phone app and tourist safety info service
Client does have GPS on all boats
Show me your enthusiasm!!!