Brochure Needed For Diving Company

Hello designers. I need a brochure for a diving website. It should be a nice, colorful brochure using colors related to diving, expressing professionalism, experience, fun and enjoyment.

1 – COLOR SCHEME – you are free to use whatever colors you consider in order to create the brochure as specified above.

2 – LOGO – use the attached logo (in this form or an altered form, as needed).

3 – TYPE & SIZE – it should be a 3-4 pages PDF template.

4 – EXAMPLES – I am attaching you 2 files.

a – 1.jpg is their old brochure. You can get inspired by what they wanted when they created it a while back. I like the colors & things in there, but it’s too small and doesn’t asy a lot about the business.

b – 2.pdf is a brochure I downloaded from somewhere. I like that it gives more text/info, but I don’t like because it looks too formal (only text and some rectangle photos). I want some funny/diving specific things in there as well, plus I don’t want anything “rectangle” I want some “wave” forms as well!

5 – CONTENT – I want both images and text used in the brochure. You can take these from our website – check 3.jpg for the website URLs please – content should be taken from the english website! Other photos will be supplied once I accept your project and we tweak the mockup to make the final brochure.

6 – PAYMENT – I will pay $35 ($30 for the designer + $5 to cover the SL fee). Don’t bid less or more, because that’s the sum I will pay you if I and my CEO like your mockup and select you as the winner.

7 – IMPORTANT – if you want to win this project, please create a mockup template and send it over. If you want you can create only the first 1-2 pages, and after we select you you can create the other 1-2 pages as well. I am a very serious buyer as my 50 reviews will show you.

8 – BIDDING TIME – I will be waiting for your mockups in the next 5 days. Once the time expires we will choose the best mockup and go with it!

9 – YOUR PBM MESSAGES – if you placed a bid please make sure to drop me a message in the PBM and show me your mockup. We don’t care about your life, your website designs, banners, logos etc. IF you are good, create a quick mockup and if we like it you will win the project. Simple as that.

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