Youtube Caption Checker 2

This project is for a windows program that will validate youtube closed captions.

The user loads a youtube caption file (in either sbv or txt format), and the app checks it for errors.

Here is a sample of a youtube caption:

This is the first line

This is the second line, which
comes to two lines

This is the third line, which
comes to two lines

The format is a time stamp, that tells how long the caption appears, followed by one or two lines of text, followed by a blank line.

The time stamp follows this format:


This means zero hours, zero minutes, zero seconds and zero thousands of a second



zero hours, zero minutes, ten seconds and five hundred thousands of a second


The validator should display any errors, and bring up the sbv or txt file to the place where the error is, giving the user

the option to change it manually. Once an error is fixed (bringing it into compliance with youtube’s format, the editor should move on to the next error.

A youtube caption file has one or two lines per caption.

The app should have a feature for cases where the caption has four lines. In this case, the app should be able to remove the first two of four lines, or the second of four lines. This feature is to allow translation of youtube captions to be put into the captions and then removed after they’ve been checked. Some translated captions will require different character sets, so this feature can’t depend on normal English characters. It should work by counting the number of lines after the timestamps.

It will have a check button that says: “Show me all sections that have more than two lines per timestamp.” This should be checked by default. In case a caption file has three lines for one time stamp, the user will be able to decide how to break up third sentence.

The status bar should show the file currently loaded.

The app should allow automatic fixing of missing blank lines.

The app should be re-sizable, so long lines of text can be displayed correctly. The field that displays the text of the caption file should have a ‘word wrap’ button to turn word wrap on and off.

It should have an ‘about’ button.

If you can add a spell checker (easy codes to find), that’s even better. Please communicte via PMB if you can do this. If not, just bid assuming that this feature will not be present. Make sure you have a drop-down menu showing which language is being checked. Why a Drop-down menu? Because more languages can be added that way, if YOU know how to do it. If not, bid without a spell checker.

Here is the URL of a freeware spell checker:

Additional dictionaries for other languages can be found here:

Some information about this can be found here:

If you don’t know how to add a spell checker, say so in your bids.

Once the final app is finished, a final version, with some feature removed, may be needed. Both versions will be used.

No escrow for programmers with less than five positive feedbacks. You will be paid. Check my feedback.

I have had projects that received bids in the thousands of dollars, but were completed for just a few bucks. Please be competitive in your bidding.

Completing the project means submitting the source code.

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