Css Cleanup And Multi-browser Support

CSS cleanup and multi-browser support

The site mcash.no needs a bit of css cleanup and added multi browser support. The page does not work 100% in IE and there is some minor bugs related to browsing the site on iOS devices (Safari).

The requirements are that the site works in:

Safari (desktop and mobile)
Internet Explorer

The site is based on two page types; the front page and the sub pages. All sub pages use the same css so we are basically making multiple browser support on two style sets. Each sub page has some custom css to handle the page heading, except from this it’s the same all over.

The developer has to be communicative, available on email and IM (Skype, iChat, MSN or any other desired service). If the project halts and no communication happens for more than 3 days the project will be terminated and handed over to a new developer.

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