Extremely Simple Work

I’ll pay $15 for this. Very easy work. Very easy good review. I need 5 pdfs just made to html (not converted to html, very much simpliar). . You can simple do a printscreen of the design. Then only thing you need to do is square out the mail address at the bottom to click on which would open outlook.

Anyone whose made a site or anyone of this site can do this in 10 minutes.

It’s 5 profiles http://hotfile.com/dl/131836467/9709318/qiej.zip.html

You screenshot the whole page, make it a hyperlink where the email address is and center it. That’s it.

Only other thing. Make the file called the person first name. Like me AS AN EXAMPLE mike.html. Also png or jpg files should be imagini/mike.jpg of course mike being the first name of the person.

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