Write 100 Positive Facts

I require a copywriter to author 100 “positive facts” that are inspirational in nature or make the reader feel good about the world. Each fact should be in a similar format to the following:

“Cancer incidence rates in the United States have declined across all races and genders by nearly 10% since 1992.”

1. Each fact can be NO MORE THAN 150 characters, or about three short sentences.
2. Each fact should contain a percentage or mathematically verifiable fact and give the geographic area of where the fact occurred (countries, states, provinces, etc.) and the date range or time affected by the data.
3. IMPORTANT – The source URL of each fact MUST be provided, a full URL such as: http://seer.cancer.gov/csr/1975_2008/browse_csr.php?section=2&page=sect_02_table.05.html

Examples of positive facts can be lower disease rates, lower drug use rates, higher marriage success rates, economic growth, lower prices, higher birth rates, lower infant mortality….anything that is indisputably “good.” Writing these should make you feel good!

A web interface will be provided to the writer for easy posting into our database.

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