WordPress Plugin With Embed.ly


I would like to create a WordPress plugin that integrates with the Embed.ly API

The plugin will install into my WordPress blog. Once installed, on the ‘Edit Post’ or ‘Create post’ pages, there will be a new box in the right hand side bar. This box will have a form field in which I can enter any URL.

When I enter a URL it will send this URL to embed.ly and populate the fields of the post item.

For example, if I send this URL to embed.ly: http://mashable.com/2011/09/07/stumbleupon-marriage-proposal/
It returns the following information: http://embed.ly/docs/explore/oembed?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmashable.com%2F2011%2F09%2F07%2Fstumbleupon-marriage-proposal%2F

Using this information, the following fields would be updated:
– Post title (Title – from Embedly)
– Post text (Description – from Embedly)
– Post image (Thumbnail – from Embedly, to be copied into WordPress)
– Post source (URL – from Embedly)

I would like to stick with the oEmbed version of Embedly, but if this would not allow the functionality required – we can discuss this on PMB.

I look forward to receiving your questions and bids.


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