WordPress Redesign

Job Description

We are needing a web design that:

has a more user friendly interface with better use of design and space to ensure marketing
concepts can be integrated and that we are able to better use Search Engine Optimization techniques.
– Video Clips Module for Testimonials
– Blog Module with Customized Template to match Site Design
– Incorpotraion of a Database Gatherer that easily links through to our internal database
– Implementation of “External” software. We have at least 2 external application providers that we want to incorporate seemlessly within our website.
– Social Media presence
– Ability to easiliy create Newsletters in HTML Format as well as the delivery of the newletter
– Redesign of Site, Menu and New Pages from existing
– Easy to use Content Management Facilities.

Having looked around we believe that the WordPress would be the best option for the design but we would give consideration to something else if it can be proven to us that it would provide what we need.

We need up to date technology to be utilised. I understand that Flashplayer is not needed now as you can incorporate many of those functions by utilising HTML 5

We still need to provide better information of page content.

We see this as a staged project where we get the design first and then do the pages.

To assist in reviewing which person best suits our needs as this could be a long term relationship as we will be requiring someone to manage our SEO, therefore could I please ask for the following from you can you review the following websites and give your opinion (plus’s & minus’s)



Could you also advise the platform you would be using and a brief outline of how you would see our site.

If you have done websites for professionals i.e. accountants, lawyers etc could you please provide details

Could you please advise how you would optimise the site for SEO and the ongoing plan.

If you are able to provide a mockup to show your design ideas as I am after something that has the WOW factor while achieving all we want rather than a run of the mill site.

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