Web Template Design And Audio Functionality

My Website: http://www.asksu.com

Hi Gurus, I am hosting this website for asking and answering questions. The website supports functionalities such as video, picture and poll type questions. The catch is with the “video question” functionality, the videos are hosted on youtube (The videos are uploaded to my Youtube account plus I use a Youtube API key for this feature) , so I need a similar script written for the audio functionality that hosts/records audio files on another website. Users must be able to either upload or record audio right from my website. That audio is then hosted on this audio based website. Similarly to videos and Youtube, the audio files must obviously be hosted on a website that supports such functionality. I will provide a website(s) that I found that does just that. Lastly, for any web programmers out there, I need a unique template done for my website. I will provide more details when you reply. So if this sounds like something you can do, please reply and we will go further with payment details and so forth. Thank you

Audio Hosting Websites: http://www.chirbit.com or http://audioboo.fm/

p.s. if you know of any other audio hosting websites that support recording, please don’t hesitate to provide them.

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