WordPress Data Entry Work

I want someone who can follow instructions carefully and can post articles to my wordpress blog.

Please bid on the basis of 30 articles to be posted. Make your bid as low as possible because I’ll be giving lots of long term work after this. We’ll have 1000 articles or so to be posted over a time period of 2 months after this project.

We’ll start with 30 articles though.

You’ll have to do the following –

1). Enter title
2). Change the url slug
3). Enter the post body.
4). Format the post body as and wherever needed
(Some posts may not be formatted correctly so you;ll have to formt it).
5). Unchecking comments and pings option
6). Choosing the appropriate category
7). Entering tags for the post
(only required in some posts.)
8). Scheduling the post on a particular date. (I’ll give the related instructions)

Overall this is a pretty easy task. Best workers with best bids will get lots of long term work.


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