Ajax Web-based Website Template Builder

I need a web-based HTML modification script(AJAX Recommended) created that will allow customers to customize/modify simple multi-page html templates(AKA:squeeze pages/opt-in pages) with graphic elements, text and form code.

Here is a process map of the functions needed:

User purchases product or logs in.

After purchase or login:
User sees website with navigation tabs listing the various steps. (Ie: Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 |step 4 | Step 5)

Step 1. Choose Template:
When user clicks on thumbnail image to select desired layout within the page. (Preferred: prompts guide them through the process by pop over lightbox)

Step 2. Customization:
User chooses to drag and drop visual elements such as background color, foreground color, pre-designed header graphics(if applicable to template)

Step 3. Edit Text/Video:
User chooses between customizing body text copy and formats it using a WYSIWYG style editor(including bullets, paragraphs, bold, italics and text size parameters(standard options) or to embed a video using flow player by entering in video URL link(must be compatible with Amazon S3). User must also be able to adjust the size of video.

Step 4. Opt-in Code:
User enters optin form code variables into a text box and chooses from a variety of submit buttons. User also can choose optional graphic element to display above the opt-in form such as an Arrow graphic, text, 3d report/box cover or uploaded image.

Step 5. Options:
User chooses options: Add facebook comments, add exit pop script

Step 6. Additional Pages:
User can create and edit thank you, download page, privacy, terms of use and contact pages. Simple WYSIWYG editor for body copy and/or video placement, and/or define direct path to download links. User should have the ability to attach/upload a product image and make it linkable. Also be able to choose a download button with link.

Step 7. Proof/Upload:
User previews pre-exported design before finalizing. User chooses to download a zip package of squeeze page & all elements/pages or to enter their FTP info into a wizard and have the squeeze page & elements directly uploaded to their ftp web server.

Members templates are fully pre-built template packages that include graphics, ebooks, reports and/videos already written into the code of the templates and ready to modify by the user.


Make sure that you include the word squeeze in your bid or I will not consider it.

Looking forward to working with you soon!

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