Joomla Shopping Cart Rokquickcart

I found this kind of shopping cart
The only thing missing:
Customer unable to choose between Paypal and Googlecheckout
Can not add product category
There is no WYSIWYG editor
no product full description feature
Other than that, this is the kind of shopping cart we want
Customer does not need to enter their info in our website
Here what we want:

1) I would like to have enlarge image, your cart and the full product description in ajax / light box
2) Mod_product stroller / Slider like the one on virtuemart .
3) Add Product Category Feature in the front end and administrator
4) Add Payment option for customer to choose, either Paypal or Googlecheckout payment, or can display both, Paypal and Googlecheckout buttons which ever possible
5) Add WYSIWYG editor using ckeditor 3.6.1
6) I would like to add copy and paste capability, so a certain item/s can be copied and pasted it elsewhere with html code

Thank you

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