Create 3 Simple WordPress Plugin

I need to create coulpe of simple plugins that help to do simple task in the editor

1.0 – Lilach Dror | megirot PopUpPic plugin add a javescript to a post the make a popup (I have the java) when you press on a picture.

2.0 – Lilach Dror | megirot Testimonial/bonus box plugin this one is very simple. a one click plugin.. I made graphics to it: the Idea is to add a box (it can be for testimonial or bonuses) that will easy bee added to the post/page . you press on the button in the editor. a box is opens you fill 3-4 fileds you press submit and it is in the post. the fileds are: title, subtitle, description , price (for bonuses), and Picture of the bonusr or the refrial person. you can choose between some theme of boxes here is an example page: I have more boxes to give you, the box can be short or tall depend on the content.

3.0- plugin that is adding a youtube in to a post (I have part of the script) you can choose/change the frame and it will never go out from your blog here is the script in action you see in the blog 3 movies. they are all from youtube, but I you try to press on them you wont go out of the blog!! thants it , I have the script I want to make a plugin of it and to add some feature to it:
1.0 – a frame like it use to have.
2.0 – autostart option
3.0 – I’m not sure about this one but … No control bar!! this is very good when launching a product.

happy biding

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