*** do not respond if you do not have any reviews/ ratings or any wordpress reviews on your profile. I need a wordpress guru to help me with preferably experience with affiliate program coding***
I signed up for a hotel search to be on my website so need a programmer to do the code so the data and search results show up properly on my site and is integrated with my server. I embedded html code for iframe but as you can see it’s not fitting right on the page (see www.koasty.com/hotels). The company informed me that the iframe will not show up right on my page and would need to have a programmer utilize their private branding. This is for programmer to customize the way it looks, data coming into it, etc. You will need to incorporate the data feed and integrating whatever system they have to send the data to my website. You would also tweak the search results to only return certain hotels based on amenities and for the map to always populate without having to click to enlarge. There are tutorials, support, and FAQ section you can reference to help you.
Do not just say “I can do the job”, discuss the project with me so I know your qualifications, what to expect, answer questions, etc. If you just spam me, do not have reviews/ ratings I will not accept your bid.