Fast & Simple Customer Verification Website

Hi Teams,

we want a small system to be developed using a ready made This is a very small work for someone who’s very fast in coding.

What we have:
– PPT with showing all major screens we need for this system
– Theme to be used to embed all once we see everything working fine in simple format.

What we want:
– 2 A4 size page forms divided into 6-7 parts for step by step data submission. specially for mobile users.
– User management system with 2 user categories “Admin” & “Agents”
– Admin can create Agents and can import customer data (in excel format) provided by management to verify details
– Once file imported Admin will assign customers to agents to visit customers
– Agents will login to their account to see how many customersthey have to visit & verify daily
– Once they get all the missing info (see PPT for screenshots of how forms will be filled) each customer will be marked “verified”
– Admin will keep track of the status of all Agents to see how many verifications has been done
– Finally admin will export all completed customer data in same excel file and send back to management.

“Its a very small (a day job) system so we request NOT TO BID if you don’t have fast turnaround time and not good at communication.”

Payment terms:
payment will be done once work done.
After 50% money you will setup script on our server and after 100% payment you will sign off the rights to us.
We are a 10 year old company and we always pay.

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