Green Revolution

We need to create an app for face book basically that does the following :

the landing page will say for every like … the cleint will donate one dollar towards planting a tree…

so the call to action is to people who care about the environment to like the Page.

Step 2 : they will be invited to invite their friends. the aim is to get a badge from the Green Revolution :

– If 100 friends accept their invite and like the page they get the badge of Soldier.

– When 200 friends accept then they get the badge of Sergeant

– When 400 of their friends accept their invite they get the badge of Captain/ commander

—- some other requirements :

When ever some one does any thing it should reflect on their friends pages.

Reminders : All members should get reminders to send the next series of invites. MORE INVITES MORE FUNDS RAISED FOR THE EARTH

Badge UPDATES: when some body achieves a certain level the badge get attached to his profile picture and get displayed on his profile pix.

CONGRATULATIONS UPDATES: a congratulation update is sent to all of his friends to congratulate him. then they ware also asked to join the revolution.

When they reach milestones in achieving their targets, they should be applauded for ex : “I raised $ 500 for the green revolution” Should be displayed on their profile and their friends profile as well.

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