Word Press Custom Theme And More

We need a Word Press expert to create a custom theme template for us. This is a 4 part project that we would like to work with with one

designer or team. This is a short term project which will be leading to a long term regular weekly job. SEO experience is also very welcome.

1. Create the theme template according to our requirements listed below. This template will be used many times on different sites.
2. Create a method to import data from a csv file or Mysql database tables into the website using attractive design or CSS.
3. Submit the website to certain websites, directories, social media and video sites. Create accounts, Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Google

Analytics, Google Voice, among about 12 others and submit info, video, etc. Using ping.fm, Posterous, Pixel Pipe, etc. We will supply the

4. Continue to update the website blog and posts on social media sites on a weekly basis.

If you are able to provide all 4 requirements, please provide your experience for each area in PMB. Only initially provide a bid for providing

the custom theme. We can discuss the other areas later once we see your work.

Reqirements for website theme.

This is intended to be a single web page and not a traditional WP blog, howver, we want to be able to utilize all of the tools, widgets, etc. that

are available with a WP theme.

1. Graphic header
2. Top nav / menu links to external links
3. 2 Column page that will allow for usage of graphic banners along the side or rotating banner script(s).
4. It will be a directory page posting data from a csv or Mysql database in the main section of the page. Listings such as plumbers in a

particular city. We also want to be able to have 3 featured listings at the top of each section of the page that posts the directory listings.
5. Facebook like button
6. Follow me on Twitter button.
7. Bookmarking button to popular bookmarking sites like Digg
8. Blog link and recent blog postings listed in the smaller column written by you..
9. Calender
10. Placement for a video on the page from a You Tube link or other.

Please ONLY bid for the template design for now. We can discuss other options and pricing later. If you can provide the services for all 4

areas, please send me a PMB for further discussion.


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