I want to do the following. Note that similar functionality exists in web-based system www.polleverywhere.com and as a stand-alone product at www.firetext.com.
Note that this is a basic brief and may alter depending on your suggestions.
Allow a laptop connected to a mobile phone (or GPRS modem)to receive SMS messages sent from members of an audience.
Allow a laptop connected to the internet to receive an http feed of text messages (from an SMS gateway).
– Allow messages received to be displayed on the laptop (screen 1) for ‘approval’.
– Allow ‘approved’ messages to be sent to a second screen (screen 2) for display.
– Allow messages on screen 2 to be highlighted with a user option to display all / only highlighted messages
Allow a ‘vote’ to be displayed on screen 2 which can be responded to by SMS (e.g. “what is your favourite colour? – send your response to the mobile number: A for red, B for green, etc., etc.”).
Allow the responses to be displayed as a bar chart (other chart options if possible) on screen 2 either:
– in real time
– or after all votes have been received
Allow export of all messages received with option to include or exclude mobile numbers.
Allow export of all votes received by question with option to include or exclude mobile numbers.
– desirable allow twitter messages to be received in addition to SMS and displayed in the same way.
– Provide an option to display messages and live chart within a PowerPoint slide. The style of screen 2 and the way the messages appear should be customisable.