If you go to my site quitzer.com, you will see its a “quiz” type of site.
I’m looking for a few changes
-The ADD THIS link to facebook etc does not appear to be working. This happens when someone is done with a quiz
-If a quiz timer runs out, the # of correct answers should be what they have correct, whereas currently it is giving the user a perfect score
-Can we allow users to add comments to each quiz using facebook comments API, at the bottom of the page
-Can we have an optional login (maybe even using facebook API) to keep a leader board for each quiz?
-At the footer, can we add 3 links: Privacy Policy, About Quitzer.com and Disclaimer.
These 3 links will link to a blank page where I will change the text in the white area in the middle
Admin panel:
-Regarding the “instructions” box in the quiz game area, I as hoping for two things. One is the ability to hit “return” and write more than 1 line of text.
The other is being able to insert a link there to another site, etc. This is useful when sourcing information, etc. Even if i have to write <aref= etc, that would be fine.
– Some quizzes need to be order matters for answering. ie the first answer must be guessed before the 2nd answer, etc.