I have a Zen Cart store, and would like to delete the current store listings and start again, I need someone to create the CSV sheets and match to photos and upload all products, I have Easy Populate but sheets have to be formatted. The one site which I use says the following:
NEW and IMPROVED Product Data Sheets.
The Downloadable Product Data Sheets now contain the following information:
Product Code
Product MSRP
Your Cost (at the time of adding the listing)
Product Title
Product Description
Shipping Weight
Manufacturers Item Number
UPC Code
Link To Photo Zip File
For those e-tailers who are familiar with Database Uploads, all critical information is included in one place and adding hundreds of products to your line / on-line store can be done in a matter of hours, not weeks. Even if you do not use the spreadsheets for data uploading to your site and prefer to copy and paste to create listings, It should now be much easier to do from the information on the spreadsheets than copying from the live site.
Photos of most products are now in .zip files which can also be downloaded for your convenience. The pictures have the same name as the PPE Item Code so matching photos to products is easier than ever.
This job could also possibly include doing a monthly maintenance on out of stock products and new items…for the right person…this we can discuss later through the project.
Please email me any questions that you have, I am not that familiar with easy populate and would rather hire someone to do accurately and with better knowledge.
Look forward to hearing from you soon! I have attached one of the files from the supplier for your review…hope this helps.