(Copied From an Older Post) Trying to get an idea on pricing and delivery time for planning purposes.
I need a programmer to build a loan application Ping Post lead bid system plugin for wordpress that will: (must be able to install plugin onto multiple wp sites)
Allow the Customer to fill out loan Application on web site and hit Submit
Save data where I can get to it (Gravity forms already does this. I have developers license)
Check data for errors and incomplete data, returns to start if needed
Direct applicant browser to Thank You page
Send Pings (with truncated lead data) to Network of lead buyers:
receives ping responses, acceptance codes and bids from buyers
two of the lead buyer systems are DYNAMIC and two are STATIC TIER.
on the DYNAMIC systems, I send them a ping and they respond with a yes or no and a price they are willing to pay.
On the STATIC TIER system I send a ping to the first tier which has a set price and they respond yes or no, If no then I ping the second tier which has a set lower price and so on til I get a yes or run out of tiers. That’s called a WATERFALL or PING TREE. Apparantly, there’s also a way to SHOTGUN the pings to all available tiers and then choose from all the yesses but supposedly that takes more processing power and database space
Send POSTS: I have 2 to 5 minutes to send complete post to winning bidder
receive and store acceptance receipts with Lead ID’s
Nice, but not necessary:
automatically enters email address into autoresponder like MailChimp or Aweber
Easily expandable to include more buyers
all data easily exportable in CSV format
web trackable or email something, where I can look quickly for current info