Job Board Self Serve Listing

We have a job board where employers are able to post their jobs with us for a fee. At present, we accept the postings via email, confirm it, cut and paste them onto our content management page, add an image/logo, post it and send our clients an invoice.

I want to have that process automated so a customer who wants to post a job can:

1. Go to a page that looks like our Content Management Page and sign up with a screen name and supporting identifying information
2. Upload the text and graphics of the position
3. Get a preview of how the ad will look when it’s published
4. Have the option to buy multiple ads and/or multiple weeks
5. Have the correct cost displayed when the job is being posted
6. Have an invoice (with a sequential number) generated and emailed to them
7. Pay later by invoice or by credit card or Paypal
8. See a prompt that says, “Congratulations! Your ad will be posted on Monday, DATE, YEAR. The cost will be $XX.”

The self serve function will be up to 24 hours prior to our Monday deadline, but not any sooner. Our people will need to check a box to make the ad go live. It shouldn’t do that otherwise.

All the information, except the text of the ads and graphics, will need to go to a database that is accessible only to us.

This system will be in parallel to our old system, which will serve as a back up. If there is an issue that requires us to manually do it — i.e. the way we’ve been doing it — we’ll be able to do that.

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