Make Updates To A Website Template

The current website can be viewed at

Required changes are detailed below:
1. All Pages
(a) Replace “Charm” with Posh Logo (tiff file to be provided; may need editing for color match)
(b) Remove text “Professional” and “Hair Salon” text
(c) Replace “Charm © 2010” with “LLJ, Inc.© 2011”
(d) Add a Vertical Menu Bar for “products”
(e) Add a Vertical Menu Bar for “reviews”
(f) Add links to facebook, twitter.
(g) Replace text that is shown when Privacy Policy hyperlink is clicked with text to be provided
2. About Us
(a) Change welcome paragraph of text to (replacement text to be provided)
i. Remove “View More” text
ii. Replace picture of woman with picture to be provided?
3. Services
(a) Replace current text with a list of services to be provided. No hyperlinks necessary.
(b) Place on lhs of Services screen at bottom a “Purchase Gift Card” Link
(c) Replace picture with picture of gift card.
4. Gallery
(a) Change “Gallery” text to “Stylists”
i. Provide the ability to reference provided pictures via a dynamic file link so that they may be
changed easily.
ii. Show corresponding dynamic text when picture clicked or cursor hovers on picture.
5. Locations
(a) Change “Locations” text to “Location”
(b) Remove existing paragraph text at top.
(c) Replace “The Company Name Inc” with “Posh the Salon”
(d) Replace address with “2703 E Louisiana Ave” on Line 1 and Denver, CO 80210 on Line 2.
i. create a hyperlink of the address that plots the address on google maps.
(e) Remove line of text that says “Freephone”
(f) Replace number on “Telephone” line with 303 333 3750
(g) Remove line of text for “Fax” line
(h) Replace email address with “[email protected]
(i) Clear the form when “Clear” text is clicked
(j) email the information in the feedback form (name, email, and message) to lislou@
6. Products
(a) Show logos and text of corresponding product lines (e.g., paul mitchell, kerastasse, etc.)
(b) Allow logos and text to be dynamically linked to a file for easy updates
(c) Allow ability to scroll up and down if number of product lines doesn’t fit in window
7. (Bid Separately) Add secure gift card purchase capability.
(a) Provide ability to purchase gift card with specified amount via credit card
(b) When clicking on “Purchase gift card” text or gift card image, customer will be taken to a screen to
enter gift card information and credit card information and process cc tranx.
(c) Required fields to be provided, such as, name, address, cc #, recipient name and address, etc.
8. Reviews
(a) display formatted text from a dynamically linked file

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