Project Needs To Be Completed Now Slice Rss Blog 2


1) Slice
2) RSS Feed
3) Blog

1) I need the attached template (subpage) sliced with the ability to edit all graphics and text. The subpage template where the white box is needs to have the ability to enter html, graphics or text and the box needs to resize as additional content is added. the index page is already sliced thats just for visual.

2) I have website that have blog and feeds, I need the ability to add the feed in a variety of sections on my website. I need about 10 different feeds added to my website, I will supply the location of the feeds.

3) I need a blog setup on my webpage where the feed will display on the right hand side of the page and if they click it, they will be brought to that topic on my webpage where the main blog is setup. i need to beable to update it daily and the side links will update as new post our added to blog.

4) I need a short contact form with validation on the right hand side of form.

this project must be completed today within 5 hours of project acceptance, if not a full refund of escrow will be provided.

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