I want a webstie, that will have the following.
-Front page noting fancy just a sign up page and sign in ,something like facebook.
-The website is based on the channels on youtube , where instead of uploading the video you link it from youtube or any website.
-you can have different channels with different categories.
-user when he login in he sees his management page where he can add links or change to share or not share his channels.
-user should easily able to link videos or songs from anywebsite to mine using a toolbar or a bottom or anything new.
-user can share link to his channel on on facebook and whatever .
– i should have a login panel , and able to browse all lists and users and email them if i need 2 .
– i should be able to remove channels or users if needed .
-channel surfer can report channel .
-user channel should have the url website.com/username
thats all
Thats all