I need the following minor edits done to my wordpress site. http://taicnew.imageinnovators.biz
I need the sidebar swapped from the right to the left in the theme.
I am using Mailpress plugin for newsletters and at the moment and there is design issue with the header of the newsletter template being too long for the template please see attachment.
I am using the Overall wp theme from themeforest.net and have used their shortcodes for having a skin around the photos however the photos seem to be downloaded twice and slow the page load down. I wanted to still have the same looking border around the images but without the loading/javascript effect so that it loads faster on the page.
Also the twitter updates at the bottom of the front/home page are scrolling slightly to fast i need to slow this down too.
In IE 8 on the post pages of our blog update there is a stray line running through.