Site Conversion To WordPress 2

I have 2 virtually identical store sites (different name and colors) with same site owner, connected to one database of merchandise. client can update merchandise, and decide which goes on either or both sites.
The interface is not user-friendly and the look of this section is bad.
I need to convert both of these sites to wordpress, with the same database connectivity between the two stores. There is no purchase capability needed — only merchandise viewing with price and description — a listing of categories, items, with thumbnails, enlargements. VERY basic but needs to look modern. Client wants to maintain ALL of that content.
Client needs to maintain content of all SITE (static) page content as well, and needs a unique slide show on both site home pages, and also an event calendar unique to each site.
All content will need to be transferred from existing sites and input to new and provided to us in a test location for client to demo first before going live.

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