Website Revamp

We want to rehaul our current website as described in the attached PDF file.

This product/corporate website consists of about 20 static pages.

This new version will be created under wordpress.

Most of the work consist in creating the visual framework of the site as a good part of the content will be copied from the existing site, (the rest of the texts/videos are still being created).

The expertise needed is essentially wordpress with excellent design/photoshop capabilities (portfolio link appreciated).

We will be using the catalyst theme for the framework (having worked with it would be a big +)

Among the “not totally obvious” work :
– we will use the WPML plugin to setup the handling of multilanguages versions .

– One “Dealer locator” page will need to handle a link to googlemap to display the dealers on the map.

– There will be a photo and a video gallery using a plugin to be determined.

– We will use a sitemap to help search engines better ereference us

Thanks in advance for your bids.

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