WordPress Layout And Theme

I need someone who can build me a site very similar to the ones below using wordpress.org


Basically I would like a 3 column wordpress layout with a header.
2 columns for traffic widgets and the main one for the content. And some seo elements.

Elements needed:
– Color scheme similar to http://demo.woothemes.com/?name=typebased
– Simple header with a 728×90 banner next to it.
– Categores below. These sites seem to have art/cars/fun/misc/nature/sport/weird
– A search and facebook/rss next to the categories.
– 3 column layout.
– Each column has a title.
– Left and right side will have widgets added via javascript (check source code).
– More than one widget can be added in each column.
– Middle is for the content. Below the content is another widget and below that an area for comments.
– Content is to be added as posts via WordPress
– Link to an about page at the bottom.
– Ability to add tags to each post.
– IMPORTANT – must work wtih embedded videos from break/youtube/vimeo… and have the abilty to set the width/height of embed.

– Linking sturcture to be similar to what you see.
– If this is the title
– URL http://www.sitename.com/if-this-is-the-title/

Main page to be similar to any of the ones you see above. It can be silighly modified.

Winning bidder will have future work because we will be launching many sites like this.

Quick delivery is a must.

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