Joomla Fixes

Hello, this website www. eK sferK adi .com based in joomla needs some fixes *(remove K to get url)

1. PROMOCIONALES (catalog): When you click first catalog page that view is is ok
a – Menu should be an accordion to display categories
b – image header module changes to not display images
c – page navigator in the bottom (same as shown in top)

2. Product details page should look this way

http://www.reK dexpK ertosK .com/propuestas/esfera/prom-color2.html

Product may have different colors references, once user select an color or reference it should display options to add items to shopping cart

Product must display
– Price (Precio )
– Availability (
– References (Referencias)

> once product is choosen or rollover product image should change to corresponding color.

Other details
– Next and previous button to navigate on same category products
– Category breadcrumb to easy navigation to category contents
– Add to cart button (integrate with Pagosonline , our local payment processor, actually there is a module to integrate with
– Check and fix product images

The existing component was tailor and made and must be removed and replaced using Virtuemart

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