Request Call Back Form For Mobile Website

I have a one-page mobile website which needs a request call back form.
It should be basic, asking the user only for their name, phone number, email address, and company name. The name should be a mandatory field. The user must also enter (1) a phone number which must contain 7 or more digits (as verification, ignoring any punctuation), AND/OR (2) an email address which must contain any number of characters followed by the AT symbol (shift-2), followed by any number of characters (as verification). If they break either of these rules a popup error window should tell them what is wrong when they click the “SUBMIT” button(i.e. “You must enter a valid phone number”). The submit button should send an email with their information to a specified email address then redirect the user to a secondary web page that reads “Thank-you for contacting <my company logo>. A representative will contact you as soon as possible.” This request call back form should scale to fit the screen of all common mobile devices, especially the iPhone (320px x 480px). Please see the attached image for a design concept. As an example when the user selects the “Contact Name” input field the words “Contact Name” would disappear and the empty field would be awaiting user input. If the user entered nothing and deselected the empty input field then the default title (in this instance “Company Name”) would reappear. If I’m not being clear on anything just send me a message via the PMB and I will clarify. Thanks 🙂

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