Classified Auto Parts Website Joomla

I need an auto parts website created where members can buy and sell used auto parts. The website should be a clone of in functionality, but for auto parts. It is not an exact clone but very similar. The website should function like See the link below on an example of how a listing would look I want this integrated into my joomla 1.6 website. You must be experienced in joomla 1.6 and php.

It should have the following features:

* sell auto parts and cars
* directory

It should also have the “Car & Truck Parts & Accessories Finder” where the results update via ajax. See the page below.

I need the ability to do the following…

1. ability to charge for listings or not charge for listings from the admin section. For example, I should be able to make all the listings free with the click of a button in the admin section.
2. I need to be able to manage everything from the admin section.
3. The website must be secure from sql injections, cross site scripting and an other type of hack.

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