Edit Meta Tags For Large Website

I need someone to:

1. Create & edit meta tags including title, description and keyword tags for large website. This involves:

A. Doing research on Google Keyword Adwords Tools for most commonly searched words for the type of products on the corresponding page and choosing the most popular searched keywords for those products.
For example a page may consist of ‘Christmas Lights’. You would need to look at Google AdWord Keywords Tool and find that ” Christmas Light, Christmas Lights, Christmas Lighting, Outdoor Christmas Lights, LED Christmas Lights, LED Christmas Lighting, Outside Christmas Lights, Christmas Lights LED” would be some of the most popular keywords for ‘Christmas Lights’ and then create title, description and keyword tags for those keywords for that page. Note: There are many pages that may have the same or close to the same meta tags as there are many products within a category and 20 products per page. For example, there may be a page for LED Christmas lights where you would use the keywords above. Another page may have “LED Christmas, 100 light set” where this page would share many of the same words within the title, description and keyword tags but include others to include the “100 light set”.

B. Editing the existing meta tags on the site with the ones that are most popular, as described above, for the products on that page.

2. Part of this may require manually looking up keywords in Google Adwords Keyword Tools and manually editing the meta tags. If a script can be written to do this, that would be great, too.

3. When bidding for this project, note how you will perform these tasks and if you’ll be writing a script or doing this work manually. There are approx. 8,000 products the meta tags need to be written for. Again, some may be repetitive meta tags or very similar but I want someone who knows SEO well who can do this job proficiently.

4. Need this done ASAP.

5. Attention to DETAIL is of upmost importance. Not looking for a quick job but one that is done well. Please note that you’ve read all of these requirements when you bid on this project. Without noting that you’ve read the requirements, we won’t consider you for the position.


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