Audio Mixer Brainwave Generator Software

I am looking for some one to develop and programme fully completed software that has a capability to generate binaural beats, isochronic beats and monaural beats. I need basically almost every features that this software provides . However most of teh features should be developed as plugins to teh main software rather than inbuilt into the software so that my customers can purchase what so ever features thay looking for as an add on plugin to the baisc main software.
After installation the software should only be allowed to run on 2 computers max so licence verification system must be there.Basically software should also periodically connect to online members library source to download extra possibly project and or audio files. So that I will have control over the software, although it eats hell lot of bandwidth. Current selling platform I am using is joomla.

NB: I will own the sourcecode and copyright to it after the development. So you will not be allowed to sell the code or software to someone else after developement. You must submit all teh source files and codes

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