WordPress Social Network Site

We are developing a new social networking site that will be built on the WordPress or BuddyPress CMS. This is a brand new project, so suggestions on which CMS to use is greatly appreciated.

This project has two deliverable components:

1. The user profile page:
A PUBLIC page that displays several user variables. These variables will need to be added as entries to the database, which will need to be customized to accommodate them.

2. The user upload page:
A PRIVATE (pw protected) page that allows the user to change user variables (ex. age, city, events attending, etc..) and upload files (ex. photos, facebook photos, etc…)

To be eligible for hiring, the programmer must have a demonstrated expertise in modifying CMS, such as WordPress, and programming in PHP, HTML, and CSS. The programmer must also have experience in mySQL database design and modification.

This is a preliminary phase in a multi=phase project that can lead to future opportunities and a long term working relationship. You must be fluent in English. If you read all of this, type cheeseburger into the PMB so we know you actually care.

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