Site Template

I want to create a site that has the following features:

Cover page:
Professional looking,
Friendly, easy to use layout & font
Links to other pages within site, links & banners to affiliate sites
Subject specific images (public domain) – cards, roulette etc
On each associated page:
Guidance – how to (e.g. play roulette), tips for better results etc
Links – banners to affiliate sites

I will arrange the domain names.
I don’t mind how the content is hosted, but would welcome recommendations on how best to do this, particularly with regard to SEO. Something like wordpress is ok, but I don’t want something that is an obvious wordpress template – it needs to look unique & professional.

I will initially require 3 separate versions, identical, but the content will vary from site to site. I will need to be able to edit these. I will need to be able to load text & ads, so will require a written guide.

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