Voting Fan Site

Where ever “graphics” are needed, you can use a simple ms paint pic or w/e, and I will go in and add the real graphics later.

The main features are:
Facebook login, video slider, voting/results.
More details are below.

Log-in should be via facebook username.
There should also be an option for users who don’t have facebook to make an account with our site.
Users can only vote once per video.
Users should be able to collapse the “news” section, so that it no longer shows.
If the user collapses the “news” section, then it should be collapsed for them for each page that is loaded.
The news should no longer be collapsed whenever the news is updated.
After voting, the poll should change to a small ‘results’ section, where bars show the %, and written in them are the # of voters for that option.
When the user clicks the option, it should count as a vote, and move to the results section.
If the user did not select a star rating, the “results” section should still show the bottom “vote!” text, and the 5 stars (stars show by default show the “average” of results, however, when a user hovers over them prior to voting, the stars should follow their mouse. After voting, the stars should remain on the average results.
If the user did select a star rating, it should show the average rating (via the stars), and the number of users that rated it (the # under the stars)
If the user selected a star rating, and did not select an “option” box, then the option voting should still be available.
Voting is only allowed if the user is logged in.
If a user is not logged in, the “vote” text should say “log in to vote!”, clicking on the “log in to vote” should lead to a log in page. (after logging it, it should lead back to the page the user was previously at, and it should lead to the part of the page that the user was scrolled to).
On the results section, “change vote” is a drop down menu (at the top right).
Clicking on “change vote” should bring down a menu that has “change winner”, “change rating”, “change both”.
If the user picks “change winner” it should undo their vote for the “option”.
If the user picks “change rating” it should undo their star rating.
If the user picks “change both” it should undo both.

*When a user hovers their mouse over the “option 1” text, then it should show the percentage of results of users that voted for that option.
The same goes for option 2. Example: it would show “50%”.

The Thumbnail slider should not loop. It should start at the 1st video, and go to the last (from a list of youtube videos I insert).
The name of the video should be under the thumbnail, and should light up when a mouse is hovered over it (like a link).
The thumbnails/video names should lead to another page (exactly the same as the current page, except it shows the video that the user clicked on in place of the previous video).
The video that is on the first page should also be included in the thumbnail slider.
There should be space to the left and right of the video slider.
When a user slides their mouse to the left or right of a video at the end of the slider, it should slowly rotate, video by video, in that direction of the slider//list of youtube videos.
There should be generic arrows to the left and right of the slider (I will change these with graphics).

Please make file names and folders intuitive.
For example, the banner can be called “top banner”, and should not be named “aadfb325901” 🙂
As I intend to add in the graphics myself at a later time. I also intend to update the videos list, news, and voting “option 1/2”.
So you will have to explain to me which portions of the code to edit. (I’m fairly knowledgable in html//css)

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