Website/database For Contractors Work

We are a home cleaning company and we need a website developed that will allow our contractors/cleaners to log in and update information about projects they receive.

These projects/cleaning jobs originally come from companies that use us for their cleaning services and we source the work to the contractors. The projects/cleaning jobs and their information will be manually entered into a form that stores the information in the database.

The site would need to keep track of invoice numbers and contractors and allow for images to be uploaded before, during and after the desired work is done. Each contractor will be assigned certain invoice numbers and the previously entered information will need to populate so the contractor can update the images and information. Ideally, the site would also forward these images to the companies’ sites that we work with and allow us to edit each company’s specific information regarding the project.

There will need to be a good knowledge of web development and databases to do this. Also, a desktop application may be needed to forward the images and company’s specific information to the companies’ sites, if the desired functionality cannot be done with web languages. So, knowledge of a desktop programming language could be helpful to create all of the functionality that we need. Administration of the site should be simple enough for non-web savvy people to operate and update. It should also be secure against hackers.

We will accept bids from everywhere, but would prefer U.S. based developers to help them out through this economy.

The developer will be thoroughly briefed of the process and will be required to provide help afterwards to make sure that all bugs are worked out. This project could also involve paid work later.

This is an urgent project that needs to be finished within 14-21 days.

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