Initial Creation Of WordPress Multisite Setup

Initial setup of wordpress multisite…

I am creating an online magazine using the wordpress theme Continuum, and I will be setting up about 100 local magazines, 1 for each county of the UK, so I am looking for a Multisite Installation – unless there is a better way of doing it.

For example. will be one of the magazines, once that is up and running I want to install the next one.

I also want to use my domain for creating other community sites

For example:

We may end up with several hundred sites, can they all be on the Multisite Installation?

Each area sites will be run by different people, and the school sites will be run by each school, but I want overall main control of backups, updates to wordpress etc.

Need a good price just to do the initial set up, and ongoing support when I need it, I will be guided by you as the best hosting etc. currently use Hostgator.

This is just the first project of many, future projects will include more multisite installations and one off sites using latest woothemes or themeforest themes.

I already have 50 web clients who’s sites I have built, mainly using Moonfruit, but some areWordpress, I also have 4 directories and long term need support with those in terms of programming, back ups, maintenance, etc.

I am interested in converting my moonfruit sites to wordpress.

Please bid for this first multisite installation – I will be choosing a programmer for this job.

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